
"Our work is not just about selling products, it's about sharing our passion and joy with our customers."
Our founders
Chuck & Mindy Pheterson
In 2009, when the economy crashed, Chuck was Vice President of Product Marketing at a high-tech public company, and Mindy was a software engineer at Motorola. Our divisions were eliminated, and we were out of work. We looked for other jobs in our fields, but none were available. So, Chuck decided to start a company. One night, Chuck and Mindy went to an ice cream store for dessert. On the menu board, Chuck noticed a ‘chocolate-dipped banana.’ Because it seemed like a health alternative to ice cream, Chuck ordered one. It was dipped as he watched. Chuck loved it so much that he returned the following week to try one with peanut topping. Chuck gladly paid $7 for the banana and he loved every bite of it. While enjoying the treat, Chuck realized that he may have found the perfect product for his new company. After some market research, Chuck realized that affordable indulgences are somewhat recession-proof. Chuck also saw no direct competition, other than mom-and-pop shops, that manufactured and marketed frozen banana novelties. With this delicious product in mind, Chuck became a man with a mission.
Chuck wrote a phased business plan for the company in 2009. The initial phase involved the manufacturing of single-serve products with minimal automation and sale of those products into foodservice markets. Subsequent phases involved increased automation and eventual sale into retail markets. Using frequent flier miles from his prior job, Chuck flew around the country to meet with people who could help him understand the needs of this business. He met with food scientists, refrigeration, packaging, and manufacturing equipment companies. After practicing making the product at home and trying it out on our sons and their friends, Chuck and Mindy rented a small section of a commercial kitchen from a friend who was a caterer. From this location, they developed their first two products: plain dark chocolate-dipped bananas and dark chocolate-dipped bananas with a peanut topping. Mindy cut and dipped the bananas and promoted the products to friends and on social media. Chuck wrapped, boxed, sold, and delivered products to local merchants and at weekend events. From that challenging beginning, the company increased staffing and moved from that commercial kitchen to larger and larger facilities over time.
"Our journey from job loss to a successful business is a testament to the potential of entrepreneurship. We are excited about the future and the new products we will introduce to the market."
Over the years, to scale production, as needed to meet growing demand, the company has designed and implemented unique process automation equipment, robotics, and secured patents to protect its intellectual property. Their products are now proudly sold by major theme parks, attractions, and grocery chains across North America. As can be expected, new and exciting products are added to product line from time to time.